I talked about fasting last Sunday. With Lent now in full swing, some of us are fasting during this season or doing some modified form of a fast leading up to Easter (April 12). Some people have already tried the “fasting is feasting” prayer with great results. Even when they were hungry waiting on a meal, they turned their hunger into an opportunity to feast on God’s word! You can listen to the message HERE or the discussion I had with Drew Tilton on our podcast The Todd Rod God Pod. Pastor Bob’s message on Spiritual Warfare and a two part podcast on it are available in both places as well.
I have included the prayer below, written by Dr. Bill Gaultiere of Soul Shepherding. It is a way of praying a medley of scriptures related to fasting when you feel hungry. Use it to redirect your hunger for food into hunger for God. I hope during this season you will try fasting and use this prayer. You can turn your fasting into feasting on God’s word. – Todd
The Fasting is Feasting Prayer
By the mercy of Christ, I shall not live by bread alone,
but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. (Deut. 8:3, Mt. 4:4)
The Word of God is alive and active;
the Lord is right now speaking his life into my soul. (Heb. 4:7, 12)
The Spirit of God that raised Christ from the dead
lives and prays in my body and reminds me of Jesus’ words. (Rom. 8:11, Jn 14:26)
So as I fast from food* I feast with joy on the manna from heaven,
the bread of angels, the Bread of Life, who is Jesus. (Mt. 6:16, Ps. 78:24, Jn 6:35, 48)
My food is to be one with Jesus: to do the will of the Father,
to finish his works of love, to share my food with the hungry. (Jn 17:21, 4:34, Is 58:5-7)
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
* If you choose to fast from the media, using your phone, or something else instead of food then in the fourth paragraph of the prayer say, “As I fast from ______ I feast with joy…”