Good Friday Service

Join us at 6:30pm in the Chapel as we remember the price Jesus paid for us. Kid's program for 3yr-5th grade

Easter at MVC

Join for Easter services Sunday March 31st, 9am & 11am, MVC Chapel.

Event Series Sanctuary

Sanctuary Time

Every Tuesday from 9:00 - 12:00 PM the Chapel at MVC is open to whomever would like to spend some intentional quite time in God's presence.

Event Series Sanctuary

Sanctuary Time

Every Tuesday from 9:00 - 12:00 PM the Chapel at MVC is open to whomever would like to spend some intentional quite time in God's presence.

Women’s Koinonia Dinner

Join is for a Sunset potluck/picnic at Montage Park - Contact Kim Clemons at or 949-374-2749 for details.