Women’s Bible Study
Join our Women's Group Study Tuesdays 6:00pm. Please email Debi Groon for study info and for any questions at simplify_you_day_@yahoo.com
Join our Women's Group Study Tuesdays 6:00pm. Please email Debi Groon for study info and for any questions at simplify_you_day_@yahoo.com
Help us deck the halls for Christmas! We’re preparing for the upcoming season by hosting a craft night on October 16. Can’t make it? You can pick up a craft after services on October 20, make it at home, and return it to MVC! Questions?...
Soul Sisters new study starts Thursday, 2/1 5:30-8:30pm in Laguna Hills! He Speaks to Me, Preparing to Hear from God - A 7-Video Bible Study by Priscilla Shrier For more information, contact Jeanette jeanettecotinola@hotmail.com
Every Tuesday from 9:00 - 12:00 PM the Chapel at MVC is open to whomever would like to spend some intentional quite time in God's presence.
Join our Women's Group Study Tuesdays 6:00pm. Please email Debi Groon for study info and for any questions at simplify_you_day_@yahoo.com
Soul Sisters new study starts Thursday, 2/1 5:30-8:30pm in Laguna Hills! He Speaks to Me, Preparing to Hear from God - A 7-Video Bible Study by Priscilla Shrier For more information, contact Jeanette jeanettecotinola@hotmail.com
Mark your calendars for our annual Fall Fest, complete with Trunk-Or-Treat, a chili cook-off, costume contest, and more! We need YOUR help to make it happen. Volunteer to host a trunk, help set up, or enter the chili cook-off by clicking below! Volunteer by clicking...
Every Tuesday from 9:00 - 12:00 PM the Chapel at MVC is open to whomever would like to spend some intentional quite time in God's presence.
Join our Women's Group Study Tuesdays 6:00pm. Please email Debi Groon for study info and for any questions at simplify_you_day_@yahoo.com
Soul Sisters new study starts Thursday, 2/1 5:30-8:30pm in Laguna Hills! He Speaks to Me, Preparing to Hear from God - A 7-Video Bible Study by Priscilla Shrier For more information, contact Jeanette jeanettecotinola@hotmail.com
Every Tuesday from 9:00 - 12:00 PM the Chapel at MVC is open to whomever would like to spend some intentional quite time in God's presence.
Join our Women's Group Study Tuesdays 6:00pm. Please email Debi Groon for study info and for any questions at simplify_you_day_@yahoo.com