Jan 29 2020


Thirty days ago I told you that your pastor needed to stop, drop and roll . . .


STOP working so I can rest and recover from a long, good, challenging season of ministry;
DROP responsibilities so I can sort out what’s mine and what I’m carrying unnecessarily;
ROLL into new rhythms for this next season of ministry that are sustainable for the long haul.


It’s harder than it sounds.


Everyone asks me, “Did you really stop reading for a month?”
“Mostly”. I read for five days out of thirty. That’s not too bad.


Mainly, I put down my phone and stopped scrolling.

Yes, I peaked a few times a social media and watched our church live on YouTube.

Clearing my email inbox once a week seemed like a good idea, but it’s an easy way to lose an hour.


My golf game improved.

I don’t know if it was having a clear head or all the practice I did to avoid reading.

I’ll take it either way.


I rolled into the whole time by taking a road trip with Traci to the mountains.
Coming home I found regular walks on the beach and yoga on my deck restful.
Surfing in my back yard got me in the water more than usual.
All in all, it was a restful, wonderful time.


I practiced Jesus stuff too like solitude, silence, slowing, prayer, fasting, gratitude, journaling and the benevolent detachment of the pause. I’ll tell you more about that on Sunday. We are starting a new series on Practicing the Way of Jesus. It’s all about how to arrange your life to be with him, to become like him and to learn to do what he did.


I can’t say this month changed my life, but it definitely prolonged it.


I’m thankful for a church that values having a healthy pastor and for a team of overseers that cares for my soul.
Thank you Ryan, Julianna, Marty and Jody for feeding the family such a feast in my absence!
Thanks also to Cheryl and Brick for leading the staff without me.
I love what I get to do and the ones with whom I get to do it.
It’s a pleasure being your pastor!


P.S. The Super Bowl doesn’t start until late afternoon so don’t skip church!

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