You hoped your guy would win. At least you wanted a clear outcome. The only thing clear from the election is that we are split down the middle. Your neighbor, your friend, your sister and your spouse see things differently than you. So now what do you do?
So now we contend as one in prayer
Today and tomorrow many of us are fasting and praying for healing in our nation and unity in our churches. Will you join us? You can sign up for a time slot for 24 hour prayer and you can join us Wednesday and Thursday night, Nov. 4th and 5th online and on zoom to pray with Christians from churches all over Orange County. It’s not everything, but it’s a start. And it’s needed.
Now we get to answer Jesus’ prayer
Jesus prayed that we would be one. He said this is how the world would know that he sent us. Left and right, men and women, black and white, rich and poor, there are no divisions in Christ. We are one in him. We are going to pray for that, remember who we are, and repent of our divisions. But this article by Andy Stanley is a place to start rebuilding relationships whether your side wins or loses the election.
We always place our hope in Christ alone
This article by Brian Zahnd is very poignant. Psalm 146 is quite relevant. Don’t put your trust in princes. Pin your hopes on the one who never fails us. The God who revealed himself in Jesus is the only unshakable hope. Placing your hopes anywhere else is sure to lead to disappointment.
Sunday we will continue our series looking at the source of UNSHAKABLE HOPE. Â Join us inside, outside or online.