This is the first monthly “in the trenches” newsletter/blog that will be sent out by our amazing youth and Children’s staff. The goal is to share what God is doing in the lives of our kids, cast  vision for the mission of our ministries, communicate important information about upcoming events, and most importantly; encourage you as you navigate raising human beings in this beautiful but crazy world.
In The Trenches, May 25th, 2019 “Tribes” by Brandon Brickley
I get “it.” Well, I get some of “it.” I’m in “it.” I have a 1 year old, a 4 3/4 year old and a 6 and 5/6ths year old (NEVER forget the fractions). Actually, there’s way more that I don’t get, and those of you with teenagers know just how true that is. (Which is exactly my point.) When we left the hospital with our firstborn almost seven years ago they didn’t hand me a manual titled “How This is Going to Work.” I remember pulling away, looking back at my daughter and then over at my wife, and thinking “holy crap, it’s just us.” It’s so true… but thank God it doesn’t have to be.
I had the honor of being the youth pastor at MVC for almost 15 years and over that time span there were thousands of students that came through the ministry. So I have seen a lot. I learned a lot about the youth over those years and there are a few things I know to be true. Kids want to belong. Kids want to be seen. Kids want to be significant.
Nothing else will impact these things more than you. But one thing I have also learned over the years is that you weren’t meant to do it on your own. You have heard “it takes a village to raise a child”, and this is true. You need a village. A tribe. A crew. A circle . . . a community.
Hopefully this is where we come in!
We exist to help children and youth “Uncover who they are, Discover Gods heart, and LOVE others where they are.” We believe this will lead to the “restoration of all things” that the Bible talks about.
We don’t want to just do cool events and fun activities…. we want to roll up our sleeves and join you in the trenches. Thats why the newsletter is called “In the Trenches.” Because lets be honest, its a battle. And as a parent sometimes it feels like a battle we are losing. We are here with you. We are fighting for your child. Fighting alongside you. Fighting with prayer. Fighting with truth. We want kids to belong, to be seen and to find their place in this world.
My hope and prayer is that you utilize MVC and all the programs and people that exist to minister to you and your family. Let us know how we can help.
Praise: We are in our new home.
What a blessing it is to be in our new building. For the kids to have their own space and the youth to have a place big enough to grow is amazing. We have already seen tremendous growth as we settle in. People are excited and you can feel the energy building for this next season.
Prayer: Pray for us. We have such an amazing team and they are doing a tremendous job. Pray for continued protection of their families, endurance in the trenches, vision for their ministries and a rich time in their personal walks with Jesus.
Ask:Â Camps are coming up and we need a few things.
VBS: We need volunteers for VBS. Email Alyssa@mvc.life
Houseboats: We still need 1 nurse, 2 ski boats, 1 seadoo, email zac@mvc.life
Jr High camp: We need a few 12 passenger vans. Email chloe@mvc.life
Thank you for your support. We are really excited for this summer and below are some dates you wont want to miss. Please let me know if you have any questions. Brick@mvc.life
(Brandon Brickley, Executive Director of Ministries)
For The Whole Church Family
First Sunday Summer Beach Days June 2, July 7, Aug 4
Baptisms at the Beach Days in June and August
High School Summer Dates
May 26th Beach Day
June 17-22nd Houseboats
June 29th Beach Day/Bonfire
Every Wednesday July 3rd-August 7th HS Sink or Swim at the LaRocchi’s in Dana Point then 2 weeks off (August 28th Groups Start Back up again – location TBD)
Sept 6th Fall Launch Overnighter
Jr. High Group
June 23-28: summer camp
July 3rd: summer camp reunion
July 10th: sink or swim
July 24th: donuts & dodgeball
July 31st: city search- summer edition
August 14th: sink or swim
August 28th: end of summer beach day/bonfire
Children’s Ministry
Promotion Sunday (Kids move up to the next grade!)