How I'm praying
May 07 2018


As we announced on Sunday, the city approved our permits and we are ready to start construction on our Ranch Renovation into a new long-term home for Mountain View Church. God has answered our prayers one by one. He found us a place. Then got us a good lease. God gave us a great architect who did the work for free! The city gave us the conditional use permit after we prayed. Now, he has made sure our building permits were approved. He provided a great contractor and much of the money we need to get started. Now we have a bit more to do in our praying and participation. Here is what I’m praying now. Would you please join me in praying this daily?


How I’m Praying Now


Father, you have always led Mountain View Church. You have provided us with everything we need to do what you have called us to do. We are your sons and daughters, adopted into your family through faith in our Lord Jesus. Your Spirit has anointed us to represent you in our cities and neighborhoods. Now we ask you to finish the work you started at the Vermuelen Ranch Center in San Juan Capistrano.


Fill me and all our church family with your generosity as we give to support this calling together. Bless each of us with creativity to find ways to help we never imagined. Give us favor with people whom you have blessed with resources. Give birth to creative partnerships with compatible businesses and ministries that can share the load and expand our reach.


Bless the Vermulen family, the other businesses in the center and the workers who are renovating it for us. Provide for their needs and give them joy and the presence of the Holy Spirit in their work. Let that blessing transform hearts and lives and bring glory to the name of Jesus. Protect the workers from injury and let their work go smoothly and quickly.


Invade the city of San Juan Capistrano with your presence. Silence the voice of the accuser and the divisions and dissension that has plagued the city. Bring a common vision and love and joy to the political leaders, businesses, schools and churches. Let our presence be a blessing to the city.


Demonstrate your faithfulness by finishing what you started. You have led us and you will provide for us. Surprise us with unexpected provision and unsolicited participation. Help us to trust you and be faithful to do our part as we look to you to do what only you can.


I love you Father. Thank you Jesus. We invite you Holy Spirit to continue your work in us and through us until your kingdom comes and your will is done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

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