Apr 23 2019


Holy Cow, what an amazing opening weekend we had! From passing our inspections Thursday, our team had one day to turn a construction site into a functioning church facility. That night was the first time we got to try out the new sound, video and lighting equipment. Thanks to a dedicated staff and talented volunteers, and the help of our 11th hour God, we pulled it off! We are learning a lot and we will get things dialed in as we go, but we are up and running and there is no turning back!


Easter was special


Well over 2000 people helped us break in the new seats between our six services on Friday and Sunday. Old friends and new ones came to share our joy over coming home.


holy cow easter worship


On Easter Sunday we had the opportunity to thank the many people it took to make this happen. We rolled the credits over pictures of the progress showing just how many people worked on this project and donated to fund it. It took a lot of us. I am sure there are even more who contributed in ways that didn’t get listed. You know who you are. Thank you. We did this together.



Welcome Home


If you were one of the many new friends just joining us, you came at a great time! This Sunday, April 28th we have a welcome home lunch from 12:45 – 2 PM to orient you to our church and help you get connected. Email Karen Zelaya to RSVP so we can get enough food.


Now we get to live in it


Now, comes the part where we get to live in this space and fill it with life. Something will be happening here every day. Already people are asking to use the space for outside events. That is part of our vision. But first we need some time to learn how it works and to get all our programs up and running.  So keep an eye on the calendar, and check the website for details about all that is coming up.


New gathering times


This Sunday we are adjusting our gathering times to 9 am and 11:15 AM. We need more time to turn over the parking lot between services and we don’t want to rush either our service or our “post service” relational time. This will give us the ability to create a relaxed environment that values relationships and makes the most of our time together.


I can’t wait to see you Sunday!



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