NAMI OC's Family-to-Family class is a no-cost, 8 week educational program for loved ones of those living with a mental health condition to improve their coping and problem-solving abilities. Class will meet in the Church Chapel on Monday evenings from 6:30pm-8:30pm from January 15th - March...
Every Tuesday from 9:00 - 12:00 PM the Chapel at MVC is open to whomever would like to spend some intentional quite time in God's presence.
Join our Women's Group Study Tuesdays 6:00pm. Please email Debi Groon for study info and for any questions at
New study beginning Thursday, 1/11 at 9:30am - "Twelve Women of The Bible: Life Changing Stories for Women Today'' . This study will cover Real Women, Real Struggles and Real Faith. This is a 12 week study focusing on one biblical woman per week, This...