Women’s Spotlight Series
Join us Wednesday, 5/22, 6-8pm in the lobby. We will enjoy appetizers and dessert aa we spotlight our Restoration Ministry. For more information contact Bernice Giles bernicegiles@gmail.com
Join us Wednesday, 5/22, 6-8pm in the lobby. We will enjoy appetizers and dessert aa we spotlight our Restoration Ministry. For more information contact Bernice Giles bernicegiles@gmail.com
Soul Sisters new study starts Thursday, 2/1 5:30-8:30pm in Laguna Hills! He Speaks to Me, Preparing to Hear from God - A 7-Video Bible Study by Priscilla Shrier For more information, contact Jeanette jeanettecotinola@hotmail.com
Every Tuesday from 9:00 - 12:00 PM the Chapel at MVC is open to whomever would like to spend some intentional quite time in God's presence.
Kids are invited to join us on Tuesdays for our mid-week bible study where we DISCOVER who God is through friendship and fun! There is no cost but space is limited and we encourage you to sign up as soon as possible! Register Below: DISCOVER...
Join our Women's Group Study Tuesdays 6:00pm. Please email Debi Groon for study info and for any questions at simplify_you_day_@yahoo.com
Wednesdays beginning May 29nd, 7:00pm, Room 9. This 4-session class is an introduction to several topics relating to the origin, authority, and compilation of the Bible (scripture). The course will define and discuss: Biblical Inspiration (coming from God), Biblical Inerrancy (without error or fault), the...
Soul Sisters new study starts Thursday, 2/1 5:30-8:30pm in Laguna Hills! He Speaks to Me, Preparing to Hear from God - A 7-Video Bible Study by Priscilla Shrier For more information, contact Jeanette jeanettecotinola@hotmail.com
Every Tuesday from 9:00 - 12:00 PM the Chapel at MVC is open to whomever would like to spend some intentional quite time in God's presence.
Kids are invited to join us on Tuesdays for our mid-week bible study where we DISCOVER who God is through friendship and fun! There is no cost but space is limited and we encourage you to sign up as soon as possible! Register Below: DISCOVER...
Join our Women's Group Study Tuesdays 6:00pm. Please email Debi Groon for study info and for any questions at simplify_you_day_@yahoo.com
Wednesdays beginning May 29nd, 7:00pm, Room 9. This 4-session class is an introduction to several topics relating to the origin, authority, and compilation of the Bible (scripture). The course will define and discuss: Biblical Inspiration (coming from God), Biblical Inerrancy (without error or fault), the...
Soul Sisters new study starts Thursday, 2/1 5:30-8:30pm in Laguna Hills! He Speaks to Me, Preparing to Hear from God - A 7-Video Bible Study by Priscilla Shrier For more information, contact Jeanette jeanettecotinola@hotmail.com