Deck the Halls

Mountain View Church 32222 Del Obispo Street, San Juan Capistrano, CA, United States

Come decorate the church for Christmas! Many hands, Christmas music, and snacks make light work!! For more information, contact Gina Stockton or Kim Counts

San Juan Tree Lighting

Every year thousands of people descend upon San Juan Capistrano for the annual tree lighting. Join us at Hidden House coffee for hot apple cider, bracelet making for kiddos a phot booth and live music! Tree lighting begins at 4pm, MVC Hidden House area begins at...

Koinonia Christmas Outreach

In honor of Jesus’ birthday, we are collecting unwrapped baby items to be donated to new mom’s stationed at Camp Pendleton. Kathy Hooper, from our MVC Family, is a volunteer support person to many young moms who are away from family. She will take our...