Coronavirus Response

Indoors & Online at 8:45 & 10:45 AM

Join us LIVE at 8:45 AM on our YouTube channel or watch any time after that. See below for more info.

Last Updated: May 19th, 2021


Now Meeting In The Chapel at 8:45 AM & 10:45 AM. Outdoor patio seating also available. Full kids programs at 1st service, ages 3-3rd grade only at 2nd service.

We are committed to serving the whole church through this challenging season. 
There is no “one size fits all” way to gather right now. But we are committed to do what we can to reduce the risks people take to gather as a church family, while honoring their ability to make choices for their own families.
We will meet in the chapel at 8:45 & 10:45 AM. We will have outdoor patio seating for those not ready for indoor gathering. We broadcast our 8:45 AM service live for those joining us at home. We encourage you to continue to observe physical distancing and wear a mask.
If you are ill, at high risk or otherwise feel compelled to stay home for now, please join us on YouTube. We are working hard to continually improve the quality of our broadcasts and find ways to help you stay connected. You matter to our church family too. When you are ready for a next step, you can join us outdoors on our patio.
For now, we will continue to offer full kids programs for our 8:45 AM service, and ages 3-3rd grade for 10:45 AM. Patio seating will continue to be offered for those who choose it or as overflow seating once that service is at capacity. We hope to expand kids ministry in the later service as more volunteers come forward. If you would like to help contact
Whatever you choose, please know that we love you and value you as a part of our church family. If there is anything I can do to help, please don’t hesitate to contact me at
Todd Rodarmel
[Though many will not be ready or able to return at this time, we will continue to offer online services on YouTube and online groups through Zoom.]

Here's What You Can Expect On Sundays

We will do our best to respect the needs of each person, whether you will join us online or in person,  we’re committed to providing quality ways for people to receive biblical teaching, worship, participate in groups, and receive pastoral prayer and care.

We will be doing our part to keep everyone healthy and safe. Here’s what you can expect:


  • We will be ensuring a clean, safe, and sanitized facility.
  • We will be encouraging families to stay together and social distance from others, keeping 6 feet of distance. 
  • Kids ministry available ages 2-5th grade at the 8:45 AM Service.
  • We will have outdoor patio seating available at the 8:45 AM service for those that wish to remain outdoors. 
  • We are encouraging people to wear a face covering if unable to ensure a safe distance.
  • We ask that those are feel sick, have symptoms, or a known exposure stay home and suspend any in-person gatherings or events.
  • Services will be shorter in length and family-friendly.
  • We recommend those that are high risk or vulnerable to join us online, in their cars, or outdoors on our patio.


Our team has been working hard behind-the-scenes praying, researching, and considering all data provided to protect our community and keep everyone safe. 


We will do whatever is takes to move forward together in our mission to worship together and bring the hope of Jesus to the world. 


If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email us at and someone will reach out to you! 

MVC Care Team

Email the care team if you need help or want to join us in helping others!


The Spiritual Formation Society of Arizona is hosting spiritual practices via zoom at 9am each day M-F for the weeks to come. Lectio Divina, Contemplative Prayer, etc. join by clicking this link on weekdays at 9am.


Guide to help church members pray through the Lord’s Prayer. Redemption Tempe is asking their church to use this to pray together at the same time each day and made one without their logo in case it’s helpful to other churches.


Mindful Mondays – Help, hope, and practical guidance from mental health professionals, spiritual directors, health professionals, and Christian coaches. Starting April 13th on Mountain View Church’s  YouTube Channel.


Combatting depression: Workbook full of practical interventions based on neuroscience


Breaking the negative news cycle


National Association of Mental Illness


Beyond Disaster – American Bible Society has developed this trauma informed free resource as spiritual first aid for those who have survived natural or human caused disasters.


Podcast with Disaster Psychologist Jamie Aten


YKI Coaching – Christian Coaching


March 26/27 sponsored by HDI (Humanitarian Disaster Institute and NAE)

MVC KIDS – Weekly videos, activities, and resources for families and kids.

7-day Jesus-centered Family Devotions



Tiny Theologians – They have incredible discipleship cards for kids that are 30% off right now!


Kids Read Truth – They have preteen Bible studies, art journals, and fun books!


Parent Cue App – Parent Cue helps connect you with practical things to read, do or say to help you engage with the heart of your child each week.


The Bible App for Kids (1st grade & under) – Best Kids App! Download for free! | Animated storybook app for smartphones and tablets | Android, iPhone, iPad, Android tablets


Scripture Coloring Pages 


Talking with Your Kids about Spiritual Warfare


Educationally Focused Kids at Home Toolkit

MVC Weekly Services and Small Groups for Teens.

Contact for High School and for Middle School

MVC HIGHLANDS Weekly Services and Groups for Young Adults.
