last post
Apr 14 2022


This will be my last post. Friday and Sunday I will give my last two sermons at Mountain View. They will be the most important I have ever given, not just because they are my last, but because of their subject matter.


Jesus’ death and resurrection are the center of our faith. But overfamiliarity, misinterpretation, and years of accumulated tradition can obstruct the MEANING of these events. They only make sense in light of the incarnation.


Jesus came to show us what God is like. He says what God says and does what God does. Jesus is God with us.


The cross shows us a God who would rather be hurt by us than hurt us. It displays a God that forgives us when we are at our worst. He is a God who knows what it’s like to experience all the worst evil can dish out.


The resurrection shows us God’s commitment to making all things new, starting with humanity. In rising, Jesus gives us hope that death is not the end of the story. We will rise just as he did.


If you wonder what God is like, look at Jesus.
If you wonder if God loves you, look at the cross.
If you wonder if God can forgive you, hear him say, “Father forgive them.”
If you wonder where God is in the face of evil, see him hanging on the cross with the victims.
If you wonder if there is hope even after death, contemplate the empty tomb.
If you wonder what is in store for us and the world, look at the risen one who is making all things new.


The Jesus of Good Friday is still Emmanuel, God with us. In fact, this crucified God is the clearest picture of what God is like. Self-giving, other-centered, sacrificial and unconditional love that is with us and for us.


As one of my favorite teachers, Brian Zahnd put it:


“God is just like Jesus. God has always been like Jesus. There was never a time when God was not like Jesus. We haven’t always known this, but now we do.”


Or as John said in his first letter.


“God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

Romans 5:8


I love you church. But Jesus loves you more. Always has. Always will.


Your Brother in Christ, Todd

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