Mindful Mondays: Health and Wellness

May 18 2020

Mindful Mondays: Health and Wellness

Health & Wellness

From Mackenzie Campbell, RD

So often the body component gets left out of the equation when we are talking about the mind/body/spirit connection. What does it mean to connect with and honor God with your body? We need to feed ourselves physically in order to feed ourselves spiritually, right? 
There are multiple times in the Bible when Jesus emphasizes importance of being fed physically before going out with his disciples to minister to the people. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 also talks about glorifying God in your body when Paul emphasizes, “You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” 

Food is life; what we put into our body directly affects how it operates. When we don’t fuel our bodies properly with good nutrition and wholesome foods, we may not be able to think clearly or operate to the best of our ability in exercising the gifts God gave us. We might not have the energy we need to feel alive in our Spirit.

I know this feeling very well. When I feel thrown off my routine, or I haven’t been eating well for a period of time it hugely affects my mental state, energy levels, how I interact with others, and I can even feel it spiritually. I might feel bogged down in my spirit or overall just off. 

We also know that the mind-body connection plays a role in our gut microbiome, which makes up most of our immune system. What we eat, how much stress we feel, movement and exercise can directly have an effect on our gut bacteria and immune function. In turn, the gut bacteria produce neurotransmitters like serotonin, which in turn impact the mind again. It is all interrelated, and we need to have that whole body balance.

Here are some helpful tips for staying healthy! 

  • Routine, routine, routine 
    • Wake up and eat at roughly the same times every day (sleep is so important)
    • Set yourself up for success each day with a plan
    • Plan out your day each morning (or night before), your meals and snacks, make time for exercise, getting outside, and family time
  • Make eating healthy fun and delicious, get creative!
    • If there is a food you absolutely love, try making it yourself! MAKE THINGS YOU ACTUALLY LIKE TO EAT! Eating healthy can be delicious and enjoyable, keep it simple
    • Utilize your resources and try new things! (cookbooks, online recipes, Pinterest)
    • Involve your kids in the cooking and decision-making process
  • Incorporate more fresh foods (vegetables and fruits, nuts/seeds, etc.) daily
    • Fruits and veggies have the highest concentration of fiber and phytochemicals, which are rich in antioxidants and immune-boosting properties
    • Try not to buy foods that will tempt you or set you up for a set-back
    • When you have a sweet tooth, try to aim for more nutrient-dense desserts like dark chocolate, berries and other fruits, or a greek yogurt parfait
  • Physical activity and getting outside daily
    • Vitamin D is involved in our immune function – an average of 15-20 minutes per day with skin exposed is enough for your daily dose 
    • Bring your kids along, involve them, make it a scavenger hunt while you’re exercising, etc.
  • Make 1-2 attainable goals per week
    • Examples: cook 4 new healthy recipes this week, get outside and walk for 45 minutes every day, meal prep for 3 days this week, eat 2 cups of vegetables per day, etc.
    • Once you achieve your goal(s) for the week, add another goal onto next week!


From Bettina Rogers:

I like to start my day with a plan…carving out the time for exercise, organizing, catching up at the computer, and cooking. Going first to my “grace place,” I spend quiet time with God reading His Word, in prayer, and in gratitude. I choose a tranquil, beautiful place, indoors or out, lately with the fragrance of fresh flowers. My connection to God leads to strengthening my mind, which provides the motivation and energy to move forward with His plan for my day…which is far better than mine, even if first not apparent. Some suggestions to facilitate a strong, healthy body include:
Go outside! Go for a walk/jog/run and take time to truly smell the roses and enjoy nature. Listen to worship music or a podcast. Buy a Fitbit to track your progress and set goals for yourself. Drive to different towns to explore new trails. Wave and say hi to everyone you see!
Breathe! Take deep, long breaths and feel gratitude for the ability to do so. Appreciate how our bodies can move and our muscles can strengthen. Search out online group exercise classes…if you have children at home, involve them. Make your own playlists of songs you LOVE, and have fun with the class!
Use weights or bands for resistance training…try this outdoors for a “breath of fresh air.”
Be aware of having great posture — it will give you a better appearance and a sense of confidence and achievement.
Balance — literally stand on alternating feet and try new poses such as figure 4, tree pose, and even dancer’s https://holyyoga.net/holy-yoga-tv/  and figuratively give yourself different experiences throughout the day; balancing your time between tv, internet, community, and solitude.
Wear bright colors!! Ditch the black and bring on the excitement of spring hues and crisp white.
Humor! Try to remain lighthearted and see the positive side of life…make things fun for those around you.
Infuse God’s Word and worship music throughout the day — add movement and surrender your soul to be permeated. Encourage others and together you will have hope and trust in a bright future ahead. 
“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good deeds, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” Hebrews 10: 24-25
Create a warm bath in a “spa” like setting…scented bubbles and bath salts…soak, relax, and experience calmness and serenity. Stretch while in the tub. Try seated forward fold, bending from the hips over your legs. Warm muscles are more conducive to stretching and flexibility. 
I am choosing to look at this time of quarantine as an opportunity to grow in the Lord, deepen relationships, explore new horizons, and increase my strength…mentally, emotionally, and physically. My desire is to become the best version of myself to represent Jesus well. Having more time facilitates greater focus, reflection, and connection to my creator, Lord, and Savior. 

From LaVonne Earl, Director of YKI Coaching ykicoaching.com

Two tips for a healthy body and mind

Tip 1.  Self-Control – Focusing on Internal Control vs External Control

We cannot control what is happening externally, but we certainly can control how we will react to it. The way we react is based on how we are programming the mind.

Focus on what you can influence and control internally. This is where the power lies in creating a healthy body and mind. Practice mindful breathing, listen to music you love, read a great book, learn a new language, begin a healthy food cookbook or journal.

“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Tip 2.  Develop Consistency

Our habits create the mental, physical and spiritual success we desire. What are you doing on a daily basis to stay physically fit? Spiritually fit? Mentally fit? Habits need not take hours for success to occur. A simple 10-15 min. practice will produce great results done on a daily basis.

“Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus.”  Revelation 14:12

Mindful Mondays – Resources Week 6
Fitness Resources:

Mackenzie’s Healthy Recipes & Nutrition Tips:


Links to my wellness & nutrition Pinterest boards:




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