it's all of us home easter
Feb 28 2019


It’s getting exciting now. We are so close to completion of our new facility that we are counting weeks instead of months. The new facility will open officially in time for Easter! But there is a lot to do between now and then and we need your help. It’s going to take all of us, but together we can do it. Here are five things you can do to get MVC open on Easter:


5 Things You Can Do To Make It Happen:


Pray that the owners will approve letting us open before they are finished with their site work and that they discount our rent until they are finished. We also need the city to approve all our permits in a timely manner and for us to be able to raise the rest of the money.


Give your best gift or make a pledge if you haven’t yet!  All of us can participate. We need to raise quite a bit of cash to finish what we started. We are almost there and every bit helps!


Share the opportunity to participate with family and friends of Mountain View. On March 16th we are having a house warming party where you can bring friends and family to see the facility and buy things like chairs and children’s equipment from a registry.  This will help people in our extended church family get an opportunity to participate and give you a chance to invite them to see our new space. More info is coming soon on this, but mark your calendar now.


Help assemble chairs and furniture in the weeks before we open. Block out the last couple Saturdays in March and the first one in April to help us get the place ready! We need you. All of us can do much more than any of us alone.


Invite people to join us on Easter or for our series that starts the week after Easter. We will be studying the teaching of Jesus in a series called “Freely and Lightly” that looks at the sermon on the mount.


All of this is going to be so much fun and we get to do it together. Thanks for joining me in this adventure. I certainly couldn’t (and wouldn’t) do it without you!


In Christ,

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