The restoration

of all things

starts with you.

Sundays at 9:00 + 10:45 AM*


*One 10:00 AM service on October 27.


Indoors, Online, and Outdoor Patio Seating Available 

who we are

Mountain View Church is a diverse group of individuals from all over South Orange County, California. United by faith in Jesus Christ, we are driven by the values of authenticity with self, intimacy with God, love for each person and the restoration of all things, so that we may be home for the wanderer & rest for the weary.

why we worship

Worship connects our hearts with the heart of God. Through our creative expressions we retell the story of who God is, what He has done to pursue us, and how gratefully we respond. This is what we were made for.

what we teach

At Mountain View Church, we teach a Jesus-centered view of the Bible that encourages trust in a good Father and partnership with the empowering Spirit of God.

where we serve

We believe the Lord not only calls us to faithfully give our treasures, but also our time and talents. From kids & youth group leaders to camera operators, greeters, musicians and more – we’re always looking for willing & excited servants to partner with us in this Kingdom work!


prayer & care

Prayer, counseling, & tangible help for our community


See what we've got coming up for you & your family


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